Saturday, December 20, 2008

Bullets and Booze

So now I have some bullets, and last night we went out and celbrated the shabbat, add a little wine and you have a party.

All is good here, I did some shopping at the bazzar yesterday, it was a very good time. I made some great deals. The initial prices were outrageous, of course being the good little jew that I am I lowballed them way down, and settles closer to my super low price than their super high price. I bought one carpet that the guy wanted $230 for, he swore up and down that it was hand sewn. I wound up talking the guy down to $30. He kept telling me that the carpet cost him $50 to buy and he was loosing money and I should pay more, so I would walk away with the money I had already pulled out of my pocket in hand. I wish walmart was this easy to save money at.

I'm also starting to see why everything here happens so slowly. Everything takes forever, and I mean like a few houres to do just one small item. I dropped my laundry off today, then to lunch. In the real world to drop laundry at a dry cleaners and each lunch would take maybe an hour and a half, here it took almost 3 full hours. Its sloooow.

So anyway thats all for now, just remember that i do have a gun now, with bullets, and some wine, so yes I am doing just peachy.

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