Sunday, December 21, 2008

The first night of channukah

Holy shit, put 10 Jews in a small room and you got a party. Had a blast tonight, we hung out for 4 hours, and only left because everyone needed to go to bed. We lit some candles, played some dreidle, ate some gelt, blew the shofar a few times (yes wrong holiday, but it was fun). Hilarity, stories, jokes, laughter til my sides hurt. Gonna do it again tommorrow too.

On a slightly more depressing note, there are 4 undersea cables between egypt and italy that handle all the internet and phone lines for this part of the world. 3 out of the 4 were cut by a boat anchor that was dropped in the wrong place. The nearest boat that can fix it is steaming out of france. Supposedly there is a 20% internet slowdown in the US because there is a ton of traffic that is now being rerouted around the world through the US. India is supposudly in a complete blackout, so hope you don't need to call Gerry at the Dell call center, he probably wont pick up. I also dont think I will be able to call home for a few days, I keep getting a message saying that all circuits are busy.

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