Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Purgatory ain't all that bad

Having fun, taking names, doing some sight seeing, it's all good in the Kuwaiti hood.

I got some plans, it looks like I might be here for a little while, so I'm really just looking at what my options are. I really cant talk about specifics, but for at least one day i will be going out into the wilderness of kuwait and exploring some of the finer parts of the city.

Most of the rest of the other days I think I will be doing some exploring of the military bases in the area, It's just neat to go out and see the sights on the drive around the country. The way these people live is amazing, the class system rules supreme. The upper class is the prince Amir's imediate family, they are the bid dawgs, then comes his extended royal family (talking tens of thousands of people). After that is the Kuwaiti citizen class, who are also very wealthy. up to this point nobody works, and are paid very handsomly by the governemt for being who they are. After that you have third country nationals, US citizens are generally held in a much higher regard than indians or philipinos who are world cents a day for work, while americans are worth more here than in the states.

Everyone who is a Kuwaiti citizen lives in a mansion. A big honking mansion. They all have "workers" who work for cents a day being slaves and doing whatever they are told. Then for a summer house these rich folk set up these little camps in the desert and go party there for a few weeks at a time, sorta like a return to nomadic times, with slight modern amenities, like generators and all the stuff that makes being rich fun, like computers and stuff.

All in all a very cool country, plus the best part is that men get to choose their wives, all of them, so I can have a few if I really want to.

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