Saturday, December 13, 2008


So the first flight that was available was way over booked, and it looks like I won't be able to go from Kuwiat to Bagram until the day after tomorrow. There were 15 seats available, and almost 100 people trying to fly. I found out about an hour ago that there was a flight going from Kuwait to Quttar early this morning, then later in the day there is a flight going from Quttar to Bagram.

Quttar also has much nicer facilities, like a pool, and ACTUAL buildings to stay in vs the tents i am surrounded by now. The choice was simple, fly to Quttar first, then if I have to stay it will be a little more civilized.

I also had a very good dinner meal, some kind of red and green tortallinis, shrimp and a lobster tail.

What can I say, war is hell.

1 comment:

kllycohen said...

You know that is more annoying then when I found out the Ft. Dix mess hall serves lobster.